Painting Finns

Here are tips how to paint your Finnish figures. They are written especially for 15mm figures but apply well to 28mm figures as well. We’ve aimed to get everything as “right” as possible but also tried skimming away as much unnecessary time spent on painting as possible.

Converting figures

The problem in making a 1808 Finnish army in any scale is that almost all the figures available have the uniform of 1810 pattern. Luckily the differences aren’t that big and passable 1802 pattern uniforms can be converted quite easily the smaller the figure scale is. Also there are usually smaller details in the miniatures which are wrong when compared …

Figures – Swedes and Finns

We’ve reviewed each manufacturer’s entire 15 mm napoleonic Swedish -range even though these all include figures unusable for the war of 1808. Also please bear in mind that our knowledge on such troops isn’t up to par with the 1808 stuff. If you are knowledgeable in such matters and see blatant mistakes by us please feel free to drop us …